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Jean’s been around. In a good way. Besides being our faithful leader aka owner and CEO, her experience runs deep. In addition to serving our Qantm clients, Jean has experience working with the University of Richmond alumni group, Virginia Housing Development Authority, Richmond SPCA and more. Her coolest place to work aside from Qantm, of course was the Capital One think tank. Jean LOVES expressing herself through visual art. She is also the pretty dang proud mom to three adult children and is an aspiring dog groomer to goldendoodle Bayley, the agency’s unofficial office manager, err, mascot.  

What percolates Jean is to be the coffee bean. If adversity were boiling water and the choice was being a carrot, an egg or a coffee bean, she explains, one should pick the coffee bean. That same coffee bean envelopes its surroundings and blooms into something wonderful. So … BE THE COFFEE BEAN.