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Sheryl jumpstarted her career with former tech superstore Circuit City, then migrated toward agency life at The Martin Agency, Reed & Associates, Paraclete Marketing Group and now Qantm Creative.  For more than two and half decades, she has worked, led or collaborated with clients such as District, Got Milk?, Virginia Natural Gas, Aruba Tourism, Virginia Beach Department of Economic Development, Gates Milling, Navy League of Hampton Roads, TV Land Nick at Night and many more.

Sheryl, who believes all work is better performed as a team, loves taking ownership of projects and putting in hard, collaborative and independent work, which brings on the thrill of seeing it to completion.

In addition to being a travel junkie, beach bum and book worm, especially of true crime, Sheryl is a mad pickleball player, podcast fan and trail rider (4-wheeler style). Plus, her favorite card game is Five Crowns. “It’s anyone’s game right until the end,” she explains. She also finds a sunset as the best way to close a day and think about how today’s challenges and opportunities will make you better tomorrow.